
Therapy has monetised friendships. In an economy-society in which everything is treated as a source of profit and financial gain it was entirely inevitable that human relationships should have become monetised. Psychotherapy – as a mainstream practice – is an American innovation. It reeks of American consumerism. That isn’t to say that there aren’t greedy people in the UK who are willing to exploit the vulnerable for money. Sadly; there are plenty.

Since therapy makes its money by monetising friendships it is clear what the greatest threat to therapy is: friendships. Therapists will do everything they can to undermine any friendships their clients have, at the same time, as they assist their client towards a shallow narcissism that is eventually incapable of friendship at all.

It is normal for therapists to disparage the friends of their clients. “That person does not have my professional expertise; there is no point talking to her about your problems”. They continually fan the flames of petty annoyances; whereas actual friendship often involves overlooking minor “errors” on the part of friends or family. They may openly sabotage friendships; suggesting people break relationships rather than try to mend them. All this is done in the name of “you need to protect yourself”. Above all; by injecting commercial considerations into the heart of the client’s emotional life and by reducing the client to a babyish state of dependence in which their emotions become shallow and self-centred they obliterate any capacity the client might have to have friendships.

Therapy is the enemy for friendship. Therapy is a defining evil of this society which is so focussed on money.