The New Observer Uncategorized Liberal media – mainstreaming the extreme position

Liberal media – mainstreaming the extreme position

This is a story in the US Guardian about Tucker Carlson, the provocative former contributor and host on Fox News. It starts:

Tucker Carlson’s debut on Twitter was greeted with widespread derision, as the former Fox News host backed Russia in its war with Ukraine, abused the Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelenskiy, invoked conspiracy theories about 9/11 and Jeffrey Epstein and mused on the existence or otherwise of extraterrestrial life.

Liberal US journalists really want to take Carlson down because he is not a fan of Zelensky and is very open about this.

The first taste of what that audience can expect included claims that Ukraine blew up the Kakhovka dam, not Russia, and lewd insinuations about the Republican senator Lindsey Graham. Carlson said Graham was “attracted” to the “rat-like” Zelenskiy and “aroused” by “the aroma of death”.

I don’t know who blew up the dam. I note that Ukraine denied blowing up Nord Stream but the emerging view is that they did. So it isn’t unreasonable to doubt both sides. But the reason for this post is that the Guardian journalist attacks Carlson for saying that US senator Lindsey Graham is aroused “by the aroma of death”. This is the relevant clip:

“The Russians are dying. It is the best money we’ve ever spent”.

As quite often with Tucker Carlson, I find his comments, sane, balanced and middle-of-the-road. I don’t find it a sign of him being a deranged right-wing lunatic that he finds the above something he wants to criticise. It seems to me that any normal person would find this, let’s say, regrettable.

As far as extra-terrestrial life goes I don’t know what Carlson was referring to but perhaps the statement by a former US intelligence officer that the US has actual alien artefacts stored away somewhere and a supporting statement by a serving intelligence officer (also reported in the Guardian). It seems amazing but this is what was said so there doesn’t seem to be anything extreme in reporting on it.

The liberals are the ones who are taking an extreme position and trying to mainstream it.