The New Observer Media Comment Why do liberals hate Russia?

Why do liberals hate Russia?

The answer, I read somewhere, is that after the fall of the Berlin wall and the collapse of the USSR they thought that Russia was going to become like them. Another country of liberal economics and permissive sexual mores. But it didn’t happen. And they hate them for this.

Unfortunately, this post is going to disappoint. I had originally written a post about one of Simon Tisdall’s visceral Putin-hating ‘articles’ in the Guardian. Then I decided that it wasn’t worth publishing. You shouldn’t give them the oxygen of publicity and so on.

Unfortunately, Google had in the few minutes the post was up indexed it. Separately from this I am trying to fix an indexing problem on this site with Google. I have fixed hundreds of pages. But because this one link now became a 404 not-found Google’s robot decided not to revalidate the remaining 645. So – actually I had to publish something here – just to keep Google’s bot happy. This tells us who is really in control. Sorry, if you were expecting an article about why liberals hate Russia.